Outsourced Sales Solutions

Need To Close More Sales, But Don’t Have The Resources For A Full-Time Sales Person?

This program is where we are an extension of your outside sales team and generate $500,000 to $1 million in sales over a 6-12 month time period. We will generate the leads, nurture the leads, conduct the introductory call, conduct the discovery call with you, work with your team to create the proposal, follow up on the proposal, and close the account.

Just a few of our SOS clients:
Lead Generation

The first step in generating sales is generating interest. We use a multi-model approach to generating interested parties within your target market. We use LinkedIn, text, telephone marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and account-based marketing to deliver the right message to the right target market.

Appointment Setting

Our outreach process will create a list of individuals within your target market that have engaged. This create the engagement list, which will be used by the assigned Business Development Representative (BDR) to set qualified appointments.

Qualifying the Opportunity

Through AI and intent marketing, we’ll find decision makers in your target market that are in the buying process.

Sales Strategy and Execution

The discovery call is where we take a deeper dive into the challenge(s) the prospect is facing. We will execute a consultative sales approach to determine how the issue was created in the first place, what they have tried to do to fix it, what the results of those attempts have been, what it would look like if it were fixed, who signs the agreement, when they would like to see a solution in place, and what their due diligence process looks like. We also take the time to understand who the influencers and decision makers are and make sure we have the right subject matter experts (SMEs) from our clients to address technical issues.

Close the Sale

Your dedicated AE is looking to build a return on investment (ROI) case based on the answers and insights we uncovered during the sales process. Our sales team wants to be able to tell the prospect how much their business case is costing them, what it will take to fix it, and what the investment will be to resolve their challenge.

Why Choose Cornerstone

We Help Technology Companies Get $500,000 To A $1 Million In Sales From New Clients In 6-12 Months

Prior to engaging, Cornerstone will you how much you want in sales, who your target market is, the average size of a first engagement in the first year, and the sales cycle. Based on these variables, we will reverse engineer the level of effort required by our team to deliver the result you seek. If we do not hit the sales objective within the timeframe we discussed, we will continue working for you at no cost until the number is hit.

Lead Generation. Appointment Setting. Close Sales.

Cornerstone specializes in working with professional service and technology companies to create lucrative opportunities for sales professionals.