See what many of our customers are saying about us.
Our Business Increased 30% in Just 7 Months “In business, I realized that I could not go at it alone. In order to get the business to where I wanted it to go, I knew I needed outside help and outside perspective on taking my business to the next level. We now have a detailed plan that is simple and easy to execute to get my business to the next level.”
Mike Ratchford
AGBS Safeguard, Houston, Texas
Our Revenue Doubled This Year “Prior to working with Charles and his team, I was overworked, frustrated, and exhausted from the demands of my business. By sitting in a room with Charles and my team, I was able to determine what was missing from my business to take it to the next level. With the systems we put it place, it has allowed me to increase my revenue and free up my time faster than I ever thought possible.”
Jeffrey Abel
Abel Design Group, Houston, Texas
“Finally, Free of the Day-to-Day” “When we met Charles, I was working 70 hours week without ever feeling that I was caught up. I had to constantly get back into the weeds of the operation. This caused me to lose sleep and prevented me from going out there and selling. After hiring Charles and his team, I am now able to work on the things I love to do versus have to do, and my business is growing again.”
Heath Quebedeaux
CEO, Unique HD
“A Significant Increase in Profits” “I used to think that running a business was all about delivering great service to my clients. Although that helps, it is hard to do that when you are constantly frustrated with your team, working long hours, and wondering when you will get your life back. After working with Charles and his team, not only do I have my life back, but I am also on pace to have my best year ever while struggling to work 35 hours a week.”
Eric Ramos
Owner, Webweevil
“Best Investment Ever” “After working with Cornerstone, I have come to the conclusion that it is the best investment I have ever made.”
Louis Flory

President and CEO, Effex Management Solutions

“Finally, I reached Seven Figures” “When I first met Cornerstone, I was working 60 hour weeks plus weekends. I was stressed out with all of the things I had to do. Despite working so hard, I was not getting much done. After working with Charles for just 3 months, I was able to free up my time to work on the business versus in it. I finally was able to get above the $1 million mark. No way I could have done it without Cornerstone.”
Doug Colvin

CEO, ieSmartSystems

“Cornerstone has Made a High Impact in My Business” “For years, I spend a ton of money on telemarketing companies. Even though it worked some of the time, it was not consistent. Now, after engaging with Cornerstone, I see four to five meetings with great prospects, every week. It is nice to see my business reaching new heights.”
Gary Remy
CEO, Bizopia
“Well, that Was Fast” “I was having a really hard time getting an offer on a single tenant property in Oklahoma. Within six weeks of engaging Cornerstone, we got an offer. I trust Cornerstone with helping me grow my business.”
Albert Mueller
Stan Johnson & Company
“Can’t Believe I Got in Front of Fortune 500 CIOs” “When Cornerstone explained to me how the campaign was going to work, I thought, “why would a CIO of a Fortune 500 company want to meet with me. I am so thankful that Cornerstone proved me wrong.”
Kelly Hess
CEO, CompuCycle
“I Am on Pace to Hit My 12-Month Revenue Goal in the Third Quarter.” “When I hired Cornerstone, I was skeptical. However, it did not take them long at all to demonstrate the value they provide. We are on track to hit our twelve-month revenue goal in the third quarter.”
Terri Hoffman
Owner, Marketing Refresh
“Cornerstone Brings in the Army, Airforce, Navy, and Marines to Grow Your Business” “After working with an appointment setting firm and seeing little results, I was hesitant to engage with Cornerstone. Cornerstone generates sales appointments in a manner that is completely different than any company I have ever worked with. Within the first month, we were able to meet and close a new engagement. They attack the market with such a force that they cannot help but generate quality appointments.”
Matt Fuhrman
CEO, Core Group Resources
“Turn Around of the Century” “I was at a point in my business where I was about to lose it. After three months of working with Cornerstone, we were able to climb out of the hole we were in by generating more revenue from our existing clients and getting in front of our ideal prospects. I now have more confidence than ever in the future of my business.”
Dan Womack
CEO, Telomack Cabling

Our Guarantee

We are not a cost center – we are a profit center. The on-boarding process to design the campaign takes 30 days. Starting in month two, Cornerstone is on the hook for delivering the number of qualified sales meetings you request. If we do not deliver said appointments, we will continue working for you for free until we hit the number.